Originally Posted by Swimmingorchids
I know water out the dehumidifier is water extracted from the air but it's not the same process as distillation.
Isn't it though?
Distillation: Heat is applied to water by a burner or heated coil, causing it to evaporate. The vapor is cooled, precipitating the pure water.
Dehumidifier: Heat is applied to the water by the sun, causing it to evaporate. The vapor is cooled, precipitating pure water.
The fins of modern dehumidifiers are aluminum, with no heavy metals. The contact time is so short, very little metal is ionized into the water. Lining in southeastern NC, about a mile from the ocean and 50 feet from the Intracoastal Waterway, we have a LOT of humidity. The condensation line from our central air conditioner is used to water shrubs, and they love it.