Originally Posted by Irisha99
I fertilize all my Vandas once a week by spraying their roots with 20-10-20 urea free fertilizer diluted to about 1/3 strength after watering them. Should I make it more concentrated maybe? Thanks so much!
"1/3 strength" is meaningless. One-third of what?
When I was in PA, the vandas were hung up high in the greenhouse, and were my shade for the plants below. When actively growing, they received a 25 ppm N solution daily. For your fertilizer formula, that would be about 1/10 tsp/gal. Since you feed once a week, I'd recommend no more than 1/2 tsp/gal, which is about 125 ppm N, while the plants are actively growing.
DO NOT Water first, then feed. Watering saturates the velamen on the roots, greatly reducing their ability to absorb the nutrient solution, pretty much eating the treatment. Yeah, they'll get a little, but very little. As long as the fertilizer solution isn't too concentrated, no damage will. Occur.