Orchid seeds need a special fungus to grow, this is the main problem with growing orchid seeds. There are 2 main ways of growing orchid from seed:
1. Introducing the fungus to the germination medium:
It is possible to introduce the fungus to the germination medium. This can be done for terrestrials by taking a soil sample from an area the orchid naturally grows in and leaving it in the potting medium for some time so the fungus can spread. Then, sprinkle the seeds on the medium. Ive never done it myself but it has worked for mycoheterotrophics (I cant link the source right now, but it exists, I'll give a link when I can.).
2. In Vitro germination:
Also known as flasking, this method uses a nutritional agar to germimate the seeds and is done inside bottles or other containers (hence In Vitro).
All equipment used must be sterilized so bacteria do not contaminate the agar.
There is an entire subforum dedicated to propagation, try looking around there.