So I decided to cut this keiki from the mother plant and put it in it's own pot, she has 3 roots, which I'm hoping will be enough.
The thing is that the mother plant (I got it from an old lady) is in a really poor condition, it's got crown rot and only has one short root left. However it had 2 keikis, the one I just mentioned with 3 roots and a small one with no roots. I made the decision to separate the one with the roots in order to encourage the smaller one to grow it's own roots too. Anyway that has succeeded well, it's got two small roots all ready I'm going to let it grow bigger and hopefully more roots.
Back to the first keiki, the one I repotted. So this is a couple of weeks back already. The thing is that the 3 roots it's got are straight out, I mean horizontally when you try to put it in a pot. Besides the roots are so long that the "normal" sized pot, well... it just doesn't fit. I also don't want to place a small keiki in a huge pot

So I had to improvise and use something I could find that was a bit wider, I made holes in it for ventilation, and yet the roots literally stick straight out on the sides of the pot.
Now the thing is that I've got it sitting on bark, but I'm afraid that it will not retain much moisture and I don't want it's roots to dry out. Also there's no point in watering the entire pot and bark mix since there are no roots in it. So what I've done is that I've put a little bit of spaghnum moss sort of around and on top of the roots.
How to water it? What I've been doing is that I've been spraying it on top with just water once a day. (I'm very careful not to get any water in the crown of the leaves.) The air in my house though is rather dry to be honest, and I do notice by the end of the day when I get home the spaghnum is completely dry. Is the spraying once a day enough do you think?
Also I've noticed that the root tips have started to dry out.
Is there anything I can do to promote more root growth on this one? Hopefully the roots will grow into the medium, that would be nice.