Hi everyone, we have inherited a fernery in our new home. There are a few orchids sitting in pots. If I post photos of them showing the leaves and root structure, is it possible to identify them and get advice on how to look after them. None are flowering.
Thanks Ray. These orchids are sitting in almost empty pots as a group. Will the root structure indicate which potting mix or potting method to use. If we wait too long I am concerned we may not be able to keep them alive. How they got to be where they are is something of a mystery, I suspect that they were missed in the exit of the previous owner. The leaves look healthy enough as it has only been a matter of a month or so and I have simply put them in a propagating mix as a temporary measure.
A pic of the plant should give you a general ID and some (general) care instructions. A pic of the root system wont give you what potting mix to use, it depends on the plant.
As others said, general identification to genus or at least alliance should be possible. With flowers, most species can probably be identified, but few hybrids will be certain.
Pictures showing the whole plant, plus detail pics of stem, leaves and maybe roots will be useful. And a general indication of size.