New Vanda Hebraica, and new to vandas
Thank you, RF Orchids! I got this baby in bloom and here’s what they look like after being in my backpack for 7 hours on a plane. This is my first Vanda besides a falcata, an aeridovanda hybrid, and seedling Mokara.. all of which seem to enjoy more water than what my mind says is typical Vanda Culture.
My care...
There are two growths of almost equal size in a basket and I don't feel like disturbing the roots this year. Got a teak basket for it when the time comes. The roots stay moist after watering for maybe 30 minutes. It has also been almost 30 (80) degrees and pretty dry lately. Should I be watering more than once a day? I am tempted to wrap a bit of sphag around a few roots during the drier months to come.
V. brunnea is a cooler grower from what I understand. Does anyone know of any other cool growing vandas? Does V. brunnea have a different fragrance than the denisoniana? I hear the latter smells like honeysuckle, but my Hebraica smells fruitier than that.
I don't like plants that require daily watering, but the fragrance on this one.. oh man, is it worth it!