Thank you Subrosa! Wonderful link!
And AnonYMouse, thank you for the vendor list. The only one I had heard of was ecuagenera and they just were at a show I was at this last weekend....the plants they at least brought to our show....let me specify, the Cattleyas they brought to our show, were in some really, really rough shape. At least I felt like....I picked up one of the ones I really wanted because she was the healthiest of the bunch but still she has a lot of work to get rid of issues.
And your first statement I would say is correct, if I have to ask, I don't have the authority....currently. But I am asking because I would LIKE to HAVE the authority eventually. It's not like all of these business owners woke up one morning and magically had all the answers and knew all the laws when they decided to import. They ALL had to ask and do the research to acquire the ability to legally import.
And as previously mentioned, even if I never import a plant, I still feel like it's partially my responsibility to be aware of the laws of what is and isnt ok or required.
Frankly, ok yes, you know those vendors are good and you know they import good plants legally but I don't. And if they are saying all plants are imported with blah and blah, I would like to be able to recognize if that means they were imported legally or not versus trusting someone I've never ordered with before. There are just too many scams now a days and just plainly dishonest people. So, I feel like not only would it be useful for raising possible red flags about new vendors and weed out the bad ones , especially since two oI wor recommendations but even that doesn't mean the plants are necessarily.
I feel like if I am talking to them and they say we import plants with this and this and this paperwork, I should know what they mean and that it's correct. Otherwise, well, maybe I shouldn't be buying from them.
I don't know, I feel like it is better to ask and figure out what you have to do to legally import plants versus just doing it without following any laws or guidelines.