Very helpful! Yes Catts love to be finicky and sensitive it least as a beginner. And man! Let me just say, when I first saw the whole "queen of orchids" name or reference for Catts, i really just thought it was in reference to their beauty but I'm learning their attitude can be a tad more on the pampered, sensitive side...once again, at least for me! Just sayin, I'm suspicious that the nickname is for more then just their appearance!
And Roberta! As of yet, I haven't gained the power of reading orchids minds! I must of missed that AOS webinar! Dagnabit! I am left to using the conventional methods of detection.
luckily, most of my purchases have arrived with either new growths or new roots or both but the roots are just longer then I would like for repotting. If they have a new growth started then for my Catts I normally wait until it's so large before repotting...dendrobiums seem to have an entirely different basket of rules however so I hopefully will figure out their growth cycle and be able to better judge when to repot in time. For now, I'm back to feeling a tad clueless again like when I first recieved my Catt. I have a suspicion that this is a feeling I just need to get use to in the orchid world however!