I've read several threads here regarding saving vandas, and I've formulated a plan I'd like to run by you all.
I have these two vandas that arrived in my rescue haul months ago. They are clearly in terrible shape, and to be honest, I kind of chalked them up to lost, but I decided to hang them up in a tree to see what I could learn from their death.
They got watered every once in a while (x1 week?), and they got soaked in KelpMax, but really, I just waited for them to die.
Then, one developed what I assume is a keiki, and it occurred to me that maybe, despite my limited knowledge, I could save them!
The Plan:
Put them in small plastic cups with no medium, soak their roots every day for 30 mins, drain the water, repeat, all while keeping the humidity high and the light bright but shady. Fertilize regularly.
Does that seem like a fair plan? Are there other suggestions?