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Old 03-25-2019, 06:11 PM
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Leafmite Leafmite is offline
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Here we are again...Let's talk Rot

For most of the species orchids, I find Chadwick and Sons to be one of the best sources of information. I am surprised that no one else recommended it. Here is the dowiana:

Cattleya dowiana

I grow here in Ohio where the winter days are dim and cool and I have found that it helps:
1) to make certain that Cattleyas are planted on top of the medium with just the roots going down into the medium. This provides maximum air flow around new growths and helps to prevent rot
2) to make certain that, when watering, to not get water on the leaves or new growths. If that happens, dripping a bit of Isopropyl alcohol in any nooks and crannies immediately will dry the moisture and prevent rot
3) to provide a steady source of Calcium at all times and even more during times of growth. I apply both egg shells and oyster shell and, during periods of growth, I use either Cali-magic or, if the orchids are outside during the growth, powdered milk added to the watering can.

Since I started being careful about adding the Calcium, even when my Cattleyas have been outside in the rain for two weeks at sixty degrees F', I never have issues with rot. Calcium is said to strengthen cells and help to prevent issues with fungus and bacteria with other plants and that seems to be the case with orchids, too.

In perfect (or even decent) conditions, none of this is probably necessary but, with less than ideal conditions, these little tips help keep the Cattleyas from having issues with 'rot.'

Good luck!
I decorate in green!
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Old 03-26-2019, 12:55 AM
emmajs243 emmajs243 is offline
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Here we are again...Let's talk Rot

Thank you Leafmite! All your tips are VERY helpful! You know what, I had looked at the Chadwick and sons dowiana page before and only ever saw all the top paragraphs about breeding wasn't until you brought them up that I actually kept scrolling and kept scrolling to find that they do talk about the culture too!

Potting wise...That was precisely my plan for Potting my Catts this year...planting everyone in baskets and putting just enough mix to cover some roots but shallower and airy and just letting them grow down into the mix as they wish....For some reason when I think of an orchid in a basket that's just kinda how I've always pictured it even though I know most just pot them all the way up like in a pot. I finally decided when repotting I was going to start trying it more like this but it's really nice to hear some reassurance on this idea!!

Oh and a BIG thank you for the alcohol tip! That is a great idea. Granted, it would be best to never get water on the growths but sometimes it just happens no matter how hard I try.

And also, thank you for sharing your experience with calcium! I found many threads of people with dowianas sharing very similar types of experiences with calcium supplements and figured it might not hurt to try...I know obviously my culture needs work, that's a given with them wintering indoors with so many cloudy, overcast days but while I'm perfecting it, it would be nice to not lose every single plant I own!

Last edited by emmajs243; 03-26-2019 at 01:02 AM..
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