New - Need watering advice for Sharry Baby
Background: I have never kept a plant alive in my life except aquarium plants (my aquarium plants are flourishing). I believe I am a chronic overwaterer. BUT, the conservatory near me was selling retired orchids and I have fallen in love with the chocolate orchids they have. I have done a lot of a internet research, but there are so many options that I just feel overwhelmed. I would like a plan of attack that includes: bare minimum number of days I need to wait before watering again, estimate on how much water to give them, should I let them soak ever?, and do I want the bark to get completely dry or just mostly dry?
More specifics:
-potted in 4.5 in clay terracotta pots
-course bark potting mix
-using 6 in trays with pebbles and water for humidity (also, how often should I refill theses?)
-one plant has slightly wrinkled pbulbs but I think everything else looks good (question: does this one need a different watering agenda? if so, for how long?)
-plants are currently in a south facing bay window ie they have direct sunlight. I could move them to a north facing window where they would be like 5 ft away from the window instead.
-stalks have been cut off as they were brown (I sterilized the knife and used a dab of cinnamon on the cuts afterward). So they are not in a growing phase right now.
Thanks in advance for the help!