Originally Posted by Ruiza5
About one year ago I bought an orchid on a sale. It was very cheap but its condition wasn't the best. And still is not. When I got him, it had one flower, but till today it did not survive.
"... it had one flower, but till today it did not survive." Do you mean you are concerned that it is now a year later, and the flower did not survive that long? That's perfectly normal. Depending on what plant it is, flowers last anywhere from a few weeks to several months. When we buy a plant and it has to live in the new growing conditions in our homes, it can sometimes take a year or more for a plant to adapt and decide to bloom again. Maybe a lot longer for a stressed plant.
Originally Posted by Ruiza5
There are only three good looking leaves and two sprouts.
Can you tell us exactly what you mean by "two sprouts"? If you are able to post a couple of pictures, that would be really helpful.
Originally Posted by Ruiza5
What can I do with this plant? Chuck it away or there is possibility for my orchid to survive and bloom again?
Again, pictures would be helpful, but depending on the condition of the existing leaves and root system, there may be nothing wrong with it, or nothing that can't be fixed. Some (many) orchids only produce flowers once a year or so. In between blooming, we just have to learn to take care of them and enjoy their foliage.