Hello all!
- One remaining (small) aerial root
- May have stem rot(?)
- Healthy looking keiki on a spike but no roots
so I can't propagage it yet
- Cold temps at home...maybe between 10~15C
Being the newbie that I am, I thought my phal's roots became dehydrated because I hadn't known to repot it. After trimming off the dead roots (and one drying flower spike) I repotted with spagnum moss and kept up the moisture level by
misting and surrounding pot with bowls of water. The leaves were perking up but after a week, I noticed black nubs. It's possible that I had missed these on initial inspection but it's also possible that they developed after the more intense watering.
Now I'm in a bit of a bind. I understand the need to keep my phal humid but at the same time I need to reduce moisture if that is, indeed, stem rot.
The black nub is very near the aerial root so I'm quite concerned.
My plan is to (see sketch
Error 404 (Not Found)!!1- Try hydrogen peroxide 3% on black stem
- Use a pot with more holes so medium can dry
- In addition to bowls of water around the pot, place water benath the pot (pot's base will have holes)
Any other ideas? Is it better to use wood chip with a layer of spagnum moss on top?
Thank you!
P.S. Sorry if this is a duplicate...I did skim through Stop the phal abuse up to page 14...

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