Which segment of the population in your area is most interested in orchids? It's pretty easy to find out...all you have to do is go to
facebook and start to create an ad. You don't even have to purchase the ad...just skip to "2. Targeting".
For example...there are 140 women, between the ages of 20 and 30 who live within 25 miles of Glendale, CA and have either "orchids" and/or "orchid growing" listed among their interests...which makes them the segment of the local population most interested in orchids. Found that out when I was creating an ad for my society's auction tomorrow.
Of course, it's not a completely accurate depiction of orchid growing interest in your area...it's obviously only applicable to people on facebook...which tend to be younger than the population in general.
But it would still be interesting to see how much variation there is, if any, between various cities. If you are a member of your local orchid society you might want to share the results with the person in charge of publicity. Actually, sharing the results would be especially fitting if you are on facebook but not a member of your local society!
If it turns out that there are a lot of orchid growers in your area but the nearest orchid society is a gazillion miles away then starting an orchid society for your area would be as easy as creating a page on facebook for say...the Orchid Society of Timbuktu. If you build it they will come. Maybe.