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Old 01-12-2009, 09:15 PM
CoolPhrog CoolPhrog is offline
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I'm still trying to figure out why the overall impression is that the AOS' purpose is to put out a magazine?
Old 01-12-2009, 09:28 PM
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Originally Posted by epiphyte78 View Post
cb977...just because you disagreed with my point...does that mean that you are arguing with me? Not quite sure how you distinguish disagreeing from arguing.

My point was that the AOS can be a lot more to orchid hobbyists than it currently is... merely by disseminating articles from earlier issues. Saying that the organization can't be everything to everybody implies that it shouldn't bother trying to meet the information needs of all orchid hobbyists. In my book, accepting the status quo as unchangeable is defeatist.
There is a definite distinction between arguing and disagreeing. It's all in the way things are said...or typed.

I, for one, was just disagreeing with your statement. I don't argue, it's a waste of my time.
Old 01-12-2009, 10:52 PM
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Originally Posted by CoolPhrog View Post
I'm still trying to figure out why the overall impression is that the AOS' purpose is to put out a magazine?
Dana: my original point was not that it's the AOS' purpose to put out a magazine, but rather that as time has passed the quality of their services has faltered. The magazine is a perk of membership, but it once was a way of dissemnating information (through my rose colored glasses), and now seems to be a collection of advertisements with information sprinkled throughout (again, through my rose colored glasses). Aside from judging at orchid shows, the Journal is most people's window into the workings of the AOS, for many the publication is the AOS.
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Old 01-12-2009, 11:02 PM
ronaldhanko ronaldhanko is offline
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The vast majority of AOS members have always been orchid growers who are new to orchids or still learning. If you compare the magazine as it is today with what it was at the beginning, it becomes very clear that the focus has changed and the newer grower has to wade through a lot of other stuff including ads to find anything. Advertising has also assumed too big a place in the magazine. These are major problems since the magazine is the ONLY benefit that most members receive. Even the advertising is so expensive that only the larger growers can advertise in it any more. All of whicch adds up to the fact that the AOS lives and exists on a different level than the majority of its members.
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Old 01-13-2009, 06:56 AM
goodgollymissmolly goodgollymissmolly is offline
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"Saying that the organization can't be everything to everybody implies that it shouldn't bother trying to meet the information needs of all orchid hobbyists. In my book, accepting the status quo as unchangeable is defeatist."

First, I never said that...I said the magazine can't be everything to everybody...and maybe I should add...all the time. There are too many different interests to consider. Do not mischaracterize what I said and attack the mischaracterization. It's the oldest trick in the book.

Secondly..the AOS has a plan to put the entire content of the magazine on line (to members only I think, anything else would be suicide). I would think that you would know that "typing" it in is not necessary, desirable, or efficient. Do you think Google is typing in every book in the world? I would have expected more from you. Anyway...that probably is not going to happen in the short run.

I must admit to continuing to scratch my head about this advertising issue that has been raised. Advertising is generally brings in money...advertisers are not stupid. They want (demand) placement to get noticed. Is this really something worth complaining about? I think not....would you prefer no about higher dues? I don't mean to be dismissive, but is this really a serious issue?

Everybody has ideas, but putting your ideas on an internet forum is at best inefficient. Why not call up the proper person in AOS and discuss it? First I think you need to realize that your particular idea is just that ...yours. Maybe the consensus will be it isn't too good. No wonder Congress can't do anything. We can have an argument about ads in a magazine. Is that really worthwhile?

In a business, once a decision is made you can demand that employees work to fulfill the goal or leave the business. In a volunteer organization with dues paying members you can not demand anything. It's up the members to cooperate with each other to advance the group. Sometimes you get your way, sometimes not. This "take your ball and bat and go home" attitude is a hopeless trek to no where. I told you yesterday and I'm telling you today, this failure to come together to move the AOS forward has brought no where into sight.

If you wanted to crash AOS, you're succeeded. My congratulations to you on a job well done. You put your petty and sometimes not so petty interests ahead of the best interests of the AOS, orchids, a national interest group, and a fun hobby for many of us. You've created chaos, hard feelings, and likely the end of a dream vision for the organizations future. It'll continue, but not as it is and not as it could have been. Congratulations...pessimism, self-interest, and personal selfishness won. You are king....the good guys lost and the bad guys will be will soon see.
Old 01-13-2009, 07:10 AM
cday2inflorida cday2inflorida is offline
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a BIG....HUH? Bad guys winning? Good guys losing?? I thought this was just a discussion on a individual's opinion on AOS in general?
Old 01-13-2009, 07:15 AM
orchideric orchideric is offline
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Mr. Molly,

You are just plain snide but you are snide in keeping with the AOS can do no harm philosophy of this website. What you don't know about the AOS is staggering.

For the record, the word is nowhere, not no where. One can't help but think of Young Frankenstein - Where wolf - there wolf.

Old 01-13-2009, 07:32 AM
cday2inflorida cday2inflorida is offline
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Originally Posted by goodgollymissmolly View Post
If you wanted to crash AOS, you're succeeded. My congratulations to you on a job well done. You put your petty and sometimes not so petty interests ahead of the best interests of the AOS, orchids, a national interest group, and a fun hobby for many of us. You've created chaos, hard feelings, and likely the end of a dream vision for the organizations future. It'll continue, but not as it is and not as it could have been. Congratulations...pessimism, self-interest, and personal selfishness won. You are king....the good guys lost and the bad guys will be will soon see.
Not being a new member but fairly new to posting on this board couple that with not knowing any of your online personalities. That said.....

I don't think you might be the best spokesperson for AOS. I don't mean that harshly, but I do mean it.
I don't see any hidden agendas in any of the posts that were questioning AOS. They were respectful and thought provoking.
Old 01-13-2009, 09:19 AM
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Originally Posted by orchideric View Post
Mr. Molly,

You are just plain snide but you are snide in keeping with the AOS can do no harm philosophy of this website. What you don't know about the AOS is staggering.

For the record, the word is nowhere, not no where. One can't help but think of Young Frankenstein - Where wolf - there wolf.

Eric, once again, you are becoming a disruption to this board and I am asking you nicely, this one last time, to stop being so rude and insulting to our members.

For the last time, we DO NOT bash each other on this is not acceptable behavior and will not be tolerated.

You have offered a lot of very useful information regarding orchids here and that has always been appreciated...but the personal attacks negate your orchid-growing knowledge.

You need to decide whether or not you would like to continue to be a part of our community.

Your reply to this post will reflect the choice you make.
Old 01-13-2009, 09:34 AM
kiki-do kiki-do is offline
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Originally Posted by goodgollymissmolly View Post
If you wanted to crash AOS, you're succeeded. My congratulations to you on a job well done. You put your petty and sometimes not so petty interests ahead of the best interests of the AOS, orchids, a national interest group, and a fun hobby for many of us. You've created chaos, hard feelings, and likely the end of a dream vision for the organizations future. It'll continue, but not as it is and not as it could have been. Congratulations...pessimism, self-interest, and personal selfishness won. You are king....the good guys lost and the bad guys will be will soon see.
Everyone on OB is entitled to an opinion and a voice. However, you have once again, brought in such a negative attitude to OB. This whole thread has been a great read, very interesting, with lots of intelligent comments for and against how the AOS has changed over time. I am also a proud member of AOS, but I agree that it is pricey for us who are not near the Florida location to enjoy more benefits. And the magazines have too many ads. Those are opinions, that are welcomed on OB. Plain and simple. But for some reason, you go above and beyond opinions and become belligerent at fellow members. Those types of comments are not welcome here.
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