what could be causing catt psudobulbs to develop vertical cracking? first time I have seen this. The plant is very healthy, with really fat bulbs. this is only happening on the newest growths.
Are there cracks in the actually psudobulb or is it the protecting sheat around it that cracks? Never seen cracked psudobulbs! Can you post a picture?
i have seen this occasionally. I think it's due to rapid expansion of the psuedobulb, perhaps due to heat or some other factor.
I wouldn't worry about it....
I have the same occurrence on my Iwan. Apple Blossom (Cattleya hybrid) .. and it hasn't caused any problem for the plant .. it's just bursting with happiness
OK I'll relax. this catt is one of the ones from stewarts that you advised me on. I posted a picture of it (not the cracks) in member galleries. This was registered with a cross name of Pamela Saxton. I took it to the Mount Baker orchid Society Show which was a AOS judged show. To my great surprise it won a AM/AOS . The clonal name is Dee's Delight.
Thanks for the info. I had removed the bulb sheaths a few days before, and the greenhouse received that elusive Seattle thing, SUN. I guess they got happy and sucked up too much water too fast and cracked. DeAnne