This is a very easy-to-grow and tolerant plant if you keep it somewhat warm, and don't let the roots get dry for very long, at any time of the year. If it's warm enough, it keeps making leaves all year. The heat mat is a good idea.
For the sake of the Vandas, I heat my growing area to 50-55 F / 10-12C minimum at night in the winter. My days are usually much warmer. My Ang. sesquipedale continues growing through the winter. Properly-grown plants keep all the leaves for many years. If you are losing lower leaves, consider whether the plant is kept too cool, or you are not watering enough. I have only lost one leaf on my plant, a seedling I bought in December 2015 from Sunset Valley Orchids. It should be big enough to bloom this winter, if I have cared for it properly.
The lecture on Madagascar I saw said this one does not come from the narrow, hot, eastern coastal plain. It grows from hills to mountains, a little to a lot higher than the coast, and has a small to moderate winter night temperature drop compared to summer. This may be what triggers it to bloom. It's not known whether the temperature change or the degree of lower temperature reached is important.