Originally Posted by estación seca
The variegated Aloe arborescens is a very special plant.
This one is extra special since I grew it from seed. I wonder how many different variegated Aloe arborescens there are. I'm guessing that they aren't too many since they produce so many offshoots that are really easy to root. Unfortunately, the offshoots aren't consistently variegated.
Do you have a variegated Aloe arborescens?
I have a regular one that is just large enough to attach a smallish orchid to. Aloe arborescens is a relatively fast growing Aloe but I wish that it was a lot faster. It takes too long for it to get large enough to attach decent sized orchids to. Like I mentioned in
this thread though,
the wild ones do have a really great form for epiphytes.
this blog entry I talk about Aloes as phorophytes.