Anyone experienced with sucessfully keeping young Dendrobium findlayanum and/or lasia
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Anyone experienced with sucessfully keeping young Dendrobium findlayanum and/or lasia
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Old 06-03-2017, 09:57 PM
voyager voyager is offline
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Anyone experienced with sucessfully keeping young Dendrobium findlayanum and/or lasia Male
Default Anyone experienced with sucessfully keeping young Den. findlayanum and lasianthera?

I went to the Hilo Orchid Show yesterday.
I did something I had told myself to never do again.
I bought a couple of young un-established orchid plants, a Dendrobium lasiantherta and a Den. findlayanum.

I've had a Den. findlayanum before and have hungered to acquire another. This one is supposed to have a dark eye spot in the throat. A beautiful flower if it ends up looking like the photo displayed. And if I remember right, it should be fragrant.

There were other pots with more developed plants.
I chose this one because of the number of starts coming up.
If I can keep them all alive, it will begin as an almost specimen sized plant.
I am concerned by the small size of the new shoots.
Greed got the better of my judgment on this one.

While having the findlayanum in hand and perusing further through the booth, I saw this Den. lasianthera.

As well as antelopes do in my location, I couldn't resist grabbing one. Although, I felt there were some concerns that this may require somewhat different conditions than most other antelope types. This was the best looking of the bunch.

Any hands-on advice for dealing with these two Dendrobiums would be greatly appreciated.
I intend for these to eventually end up in my trees like most of the other are. But, I think now is too soon to do that. They probably should get some extra care to help them along.

I haven't looked them up yet in B&B. I'm still too stressed out from going to the show and can't slow down enough yet to read and understand the info contained there.

Then, there were more than orchids at the orchid show.

I've been searching for something like this for quite a while now. My first and my last effort to grow papaya did not turn out well. They produced only female flowers. Apparently there were no male trees in the area. After 2 years they reached a height of about 8' to 10'. Then, the did begin to sporadically produce fruit. But, the fruit had no seeds in the interior, and did not have a very good flavor. I ended up digging them out.

A cloned dwarf hermaphroditic Papaya.

These should begin producing fruit in about 10 months while only 3' to 4' tall.
They are hermaphroditic, producing both male and female flowers, or flowers with both male and female parts, thus are self pollinating.

Last edited by voyager; 06-03-2017 at 10:26 PM..
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Old 06-04-2017, 01:08 AM
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Dendrobium lasianthera I don't have firsthand experience with, but it is very similar in care to the other Dendrobiums in section Spathulata. I do own some other species of Dendrobium in section Spathulata such as Dendrobium tangerianum.

Grow intermediate to warm, (60 F - 90 F).

Moderate to high humidity (60% - 90%) is good enough.

Indirect bright light much like that for Cattleyas.

No dormancy.

It is a large plant. This is just a large seedling. It'll be a while before you see flowers. Like maybe 6 - 10 years from now while if you do a good job at growing it. A full grown Dendrobium lasianthera is on the order of about 2' tall without the spike.

It will bloom at about 1 ft tall.

You being in Hawaii, this plant should not be a huge issue for you to grow.

Last edited by King_of_orchid_growing:); 06-04-2017 at 03:25 AM..
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Old 06-04-2017, 07:21 PM
voyager voyager is offline
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Anyone experienced with sucessfully keeping young Dendrobium findlayanum and/or lasia Male

Thanks King Orchid Grower, excellent advice.
I finally mellowed out enough to be able to read and understand the B&B entries for my antelope Dendrobiums and others, as well as looking a bit further online.
Looking online, I found an observation that the Spatulata section was a bit unusual in that almost all the members have very similar cultural requirements. I already have a Den. antennatum and several Den. Samaurai [Den. antennatum X Den. stratiotes] mounted in my trees. All are doing well, but the D. Samaurai in the sunniest location is doing the best of all of them.

I now remember why I never tried keeping any antelopes while in AK. I didn't think I could get them enough sun what with the short winter days.

In comparing D. antennatum, D. stratiotes and D. lasianthera in B&B, the habitat info for each of them is very similar. I'm thinking that I will go ahead and mount it in a sunny location on a tree, but at a low enough level that I can easily monitor its progress.

I can get D. findlayanum figured out now that I'm not bouncing around like a marble in a tin can.

By the time I got home from the show, I was horrified that I had bought seedlings, almost the same reaction I'd've had if M'Lady had told me she was pregnant.

I'm not really set up to deal with them properly. I have come to terms with it now. If I can still plant trees, I can still take on orchid seedlings. One is no more far fetched that the other. Plus, I am immortal. But, as far as kids go, been there done that - don't want to do it again after having done 16 years as a single parent.

Last edited by voyager; 06-04-2017 at 07:49 PM..
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begin, den, findlayanum, fruit, orchid

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