Mounting vanilla planifolia indoors on cork around window frame... ideas?
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Mounting vanilla planifolia indoors on cork around window frame... ideas?
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Old 05-03-2017, 06:27 PM
Lightingale Lightingale is offline
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Mounting vanilla planifolia indoors on cork around window frame... ideas? Female
Default Mounting vanilla planifolia indoors on cork around window frame... ideas?

I have several vanilla orchids that I have this hairbrained idea to mount around a window frame on cork "branches". I'd arrange the branches starting about waist height and going to the top of the windowsill, with more branches spanning the top of the window (though it would likely take years for the vines to get that long, and I have no expectations of flowers).

I've attached photos of the cork, the window, and the orchids. I've had them since Sept under Kessil grow lights and they've been growing, albeit slowly. They seem to be doing fine with the ambient humidity and I'd like to move them to the living room windowframe where they can be better appreciated and have a permanent home. I would intend to mist them every day or two as I have been.

On the other side of the window is a sun room, so there's no direct sun coming into the window.

Has anyone mounted orchids on cork indoors before that wasn't a show display? I've never done this, and a bit concerned about future repotting of the plant once it's permanently attached to the cork on the wall. Should I just hook the pots on the cork itself for easy watering?

The cork also has some natural knots/holes in it and I'm wondering about the potential to mount up a few more species in those. Maybe non-climbing species can have their pots nestled in the holes and allowed to cascade down? Any suggestions or resources you can think of to help?


*edited to add* The vast majority of my knowledge is from the internet, and I'm still pretty beginner with orchids. MissOrchidGirl on Youtube has been my primary educator. I've managed to rebloom a Phal, killed a dracula orchid in short order with an accidental afternoon of sun, and saved a Paph orchid seedling from said afternoon. Everything else has survived so far despite a fight with spider mites that seems to be over.
Attached Thumbnails
Mounting vanilla planifolia indoors on cork around window frame... ideas?-img_4421-jpg   Mounting vanilla planifolia indoors on cork around window frame... ideas?-img_4423-jpg   Mounting vanilla planifolia indoors on cork around window frame... ideas?-img_4424-jpg  

Last edited by Lightingale; 05-03-2017 at 06:37 PM..
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Old 05-03-2017, 09:05 PM
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Mounting vanilla planifolia indoors on cork around window frame... ideas?

You might want to just buy a metal trellis at a garden store and let it grow on that. In this way, you could move it when you want to clean those windows. Vanilla starts out by growing slowly but once it gets a certain size, I have heard that it will then grow very quickly. If Vanilla is anything like my passionfruit vines, you will want to try to keep them under control, somewhat.

My Vanilla planifolia is probably going to get its own trellis this spring. It has outgrown the styrofoam wreath.
I decorate in green!
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Old 05-03-2017, 09:25 PM
Lightingale Lightingale is offline
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Mounting vanilla planifolia indoors on cork around window frame... ideas? Female

Originally Posted by Leafmite View Post
You might want to just buy a metal trellis at a garden store and let it grow on that. In this way, you could move it when you want to clean those windows. Vanilla starts out by growing slowly but once it gets a certain size, I have heard that it will then grow very quickly. If Vanilla is anything like my passionfruit vines, you will want to try to keep them under control, somewhat.

My Vanilla planifolia is probably going to get its own trellis this spring. It has outgrown the styrofoam wreath.
Wow, your growing conditions must be amazing! I've come to understand that v. planifolia will grow like that in a greenhouse, but this is my living room... for which the only brightness comes from that windowframe.. and as I live in Ontario I'm told to expect it to be a glorified vine.

I should have described the windows' dimensions.. it's about 5' tall by 7' wide, so plenty of room for the vines, I would imagine. If they get too long, I could loop them around to grow the other direction like I would a Philodendron that starts to wander... I'm told not to expect much of vanilla indoors unless it's in a greenhouse. If it gets that big, I'll make another post! I've read the other posts on this forum about vanilla and would be thrilled to be successful enough to contribute on that end.
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Old 05-03-2017, 10:44 PM
The Peloric Orchid The Peloric Orchid is offline

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Mounting vanilla planifolia indoors on cork around window frame... ideas? Male

Originally Posted by Lightingale View Post
I have several vanilla orchids that I have this hairbrained idea to mount around a window frame on cork "branches". I'd arrange the branches starting about waist height and going to the top of the windowsill, with more branches spanning the top of the window (though it would likely take years for the vines to get that long, and I have no expectations of flowers).

I've attached photos of the cork, the window, and the orchids. I've had them since Sept under Kessil grow lights and they've been growing, albeit slowly. They seem to be doing fine with the ambient humidity and I'd like to move them to the living room windowframe where they can be better appreciated and have a permanent home. I would intend to mist them every day or two as I have been.

On the other side of the window is a sun room, so there's no direct sun coming into the window.

Has anyone mounted orchids on cork indoors before that wasn't a show display? I've never done this, and a bit concerned about future repotting of the plant once it's permanently attached to the cork on the wall. Should I just hook the pots on the cork itself for easy watering?

The cork also has some natural knots/holes in it and I'm wondering about the potential to mount up a few more species in those. Maybe non-climbing species can have their pots nestled in the holes and allowed to cascade down? Any suggestions or resources you can think of to help?


*edited to add* The vast majority of my knowledge is from the internet, and I'm still pretty beginner with orchids. MissOrchidGirl on Youtube has been my primary educator. I've managed to rebloom a Phal, killed a dracula orchid in short order with an accidental afternoon of sun, and saved a Paph orchid seedling from said afternoon. Everything else has survived so far despite a fight with spider mites that seems to be over.

I would start by moving one or two plants to the cork mounts to see if it works in your conditions. I must admit that the one vanilla plant I got I killed by overwatering it, but I think that some people grow the bases of their vanilla plants in a terrestrial orchid mix so I'm not sure how sure how well they might adjust to mounted life. I've also never kept a mounted plant alive longer than a few months, so I'm a little biased against mounting orchids.

I think when a mounted plant outgrows it's mount, it's attached, mount and all, to a larger mount. If your vanilla were to get big, growing it on a large mount may be inconvenient.

I don't see why you couldn't mount other plants in the cork. I've seen it done with bromeliads before.
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attached, branches, cork, species, window

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