Here's my two cents on 35% H2O2. Its sold in hydroponic stores as an oxygenation agent for reservoirs, also used to clean grow area,and will help with root rot. Can also be used as insecticide.
If I was silly enough to try to clean a cut with this I'd get chemical burns. The stuff a hairdresser uses to Bleach your hair is only 17%. It reacts with proteins and will blind you if you get it in your eyes, if you get it on your skin, it burns and turns your skin white. when you buy it get it in dark bottles, avoid clear ones, since light breaks it down too.
You might want to look into SM90 by Nutrilife, its really good for root rot problems, couple different type of fungus if I remember rightly, and will make plants taste bad to spider mites. Unfortunately it is a systemic product.