Hello all; Hope everyone is well...
I don't know if this is the right place to post this issue; but I need urgent expert advice on the matter.
I own a Phalaenopsis, that was originally planted in sphagnum moss; I transferred it to Semi/Hydro and it was thriving for 3 years; lots of roots, new leaves and reliable bloomer. It has been in bloom for the past 9 months; when the blooms faded, the spike started growing again and formed new flower buds. It put out a second spike also, but unfortunately broke.
The plant is placed during winter in an Eastern facing room with several other Phals (all of them in Semi/Hydro).
About a month ago, I started noticing some shriveling and drying in the roots on the phal in question.
I water weekly (full flush of medium), use a slow release fertilizer, and also Kelpmax. Temperature is constant in that room, light is very sufficient.
Yesterday I noticed yellowing of the bottom leaves close to the base of the Phal.
Today I unpotted the phal and found out that about 75% of the roots were mushy, collapsed and rotten.
Then I proceeded to clean all the dead roots, exposing the wood structure of the cleaned stripped roots.
Then with a pair of sterilized pruning scissors, I cleaned the remainder, and I was left with a bunch of healthy roots.
Then I proceeded to remove the bottom 3 leaves that showed yellowing at the base of the leaves.
Then I sprayed the rhizome and bases of the cut roots and healthy roots with some hydrogen peroxide and left the plant to air dry.
I noticed that the plant started to form 3 flower spikes on the same side that stopped growing, the last one being under the top leaf.
At the end, I placed the plant in a plastic bag filled with clean hydroton (soaked with a solution of 1:250 Kelpmax); I tied the bad securely around the rhizome keeping the aerial roots outside the bag. The reason I placed it in the bag was to ask for your expert advice before I do anything.
The old hydroton that was in the pot, was soaked in a solution of water and bleach to clean it.
Unfortunately at the end, the top leaf broke, because I dropped the plant, it snapped at the base exposing the crown...
My questions are:
* Will the plant keep on growing new leaves after the top one broke?
** What do you advise me to do? Place the plant back in semi/hydro?
*** Did I do the right thing with the cleaning procedure?
Thank you all in advance for your time and help.