Deflasking Cattleyas aclandiae and schilleriana - ideas?
Hey everyone, so here's my first official post to the board. I'm expecting a few flasks in the very near future, and amongst them are flasks of Cattleya aclandiae and Cattleya schilleriana. I have some experience in deflasking Paphs and Phrags, but I've not deflasked Cattleyas before. I'm aware of the fact that the bifoliates have a strong distaste for wet feet and so I'm trying to find the best media choice for potting these babies into a compot.
So far, I'm considering using a mix of Lava rock (at the bottom), a medium sized aliflor, some sponge rock and maybe a little chopped cork, and I was considering potting them into either slotted or net pots and them keeping the compots in a covered container (fish tank, humidity done, etc.. something I can punch some holes for ventilation into..). After which I was going to acclimatize them slowly to harden them off. Currently I'm growing under lights (no greenhouse for me just yet, but hopefully someday soon). I may also try a few plants with the s/h method..
Does anyone have experience with deflasking these species that can provide some input? I fear I might be going overkill and I don't want to lose these babies.
Thanks all!
Last edited by Dekejis; 01-30-2008 at 12:31 PM..