It was in the ground? The roots don't look like a terrestrial orchid. It is interesting. Can you plant it in moss or a very medium airy type strata? Moss rock mixture may work. Or coconut husk chips, fine bark, old pottery pieces.
Although it may look like it has orchid roots, you should be able to see lines of very small holes called stomata in the roots. As well, the best way to find out if it is an orchid is with the flower. Orchid flowers have the pollen behind a protective cap on a column In the center. Two pollen capsuels.
As far as appearance, it look more to me like a leek than an orchid. A leek is a large onion. Does it have an onion scent? Was any one gardening near there? But try to grow it just to find out. Onions are related to allium and have amazing flowers.
By all means, do not just chuck it because I thought it was an onion. Listen to those who know more than me.
Last edited by Optimist; 05-26-2015 at 07:14 PM..