I have this sitting in a window next to my dendrobiums right now, but I wondered if moving it upstairs to join my oncidiums and cattleyas might not be a better move over the summer, because I can control the temperature better in there. The dendrobiums' happy place will get quite warm because that window is not shaded and light is not dappled at all.
I figured the important thing to do for now, was to correct the water issue and I could worry about light a bit later after I've determined if the lack of water is what was causing it to look so bad. Honestly, I'm surprised it's still alive. Fingers crossed the repotting works to get it to perk up. Once I think it's healthy enough to move upstairs, I'll do that and start acclimating it to my lights.
From what I have been reading about these, they're quite fussy, but it might do well if I move it downstairs next to the dendrobiums for the winter, and upstairs by my oncs and catts over the summer.