When doing a cross between two species Phals, how much of a difference does it make as to which plant provides the pollen and which is the pod plant? Can any two species Phals be crossed. Les Orchidées Phalaenopsis botaniques et hybrides primaires lists a lot of primary hybrids but I'm not sure if it just doesn't list them all or the ones it doesn't aren't possible.
If anyone knows another site or can offer any information that would be awesome.
that site is pretty up to date. Basically if the cross hasn't been done already, then there must be some difficulty in doing so. Also - check the 'section' for each of your phal species - on the website detail for each species. Generally speaking phals in the same section can be crossed. Finally you can check this site to see if the cross has been done The International Orchid Register / RHS Gardening
When registering the hybrid you do have to specify the pod and pollen parent separately.
The degree of pod parent dominance may vary from genus to genus. Two examples that I have witnessed firsthand:
Rhynchostylis gigantea x Neofinetia falcata (= Vandachostylis Pinky)
Plant size & flower shape clearly shows which was used as the pod parent.
Paphiopedilum Nitens (= insigne x villosum)
It is very clear from the flower shape, which species was used as the pod parent. However, Paph insigne always dominates for color.