Oh, yeah - I just shed awesomeness all over the place - my partner is constantly complaining about having to shovel it out of the house every day - LOL!!!.
Actually, when I interned in a college research lab I found I had just enough OCD to need EVERY bit of pertinent info on my data collection sheets, so this kinda comes natural or maybe "nerd"-ural.
Actually I had to devise a sheet that anyone could pick up and easily add to or take info from, as the greenhouse has rotating crews of employees and volunteers and I wanted them to have all the info at their fingertips.
I refined it a little bit more - adding a blank for the "Tribe" that the plant belongs to along with "Viral testing date" and "Viral test conducted" and "Deceased / Destroyed" date in order to keep inventory correct.
It is hard to believe, but one of the largest problems they have, especially with miniatures, is people steal them from the collections. Something comes up "missing" every few weeks - they have to come up with some way to "pleasantly" monitor and better protect the collection. Which gave me another field to add - "Missing from collection", sadly enough.
Glad you saw some things you could use - my years of nerdiness are finally paying off!! YEA. It was almost worth spending so many of my school days stuffed in a locker with my underwear in a perpetual state of "wedgy".....well, maybe not, but close!