Hi MissJones,
This is a case when too much things go wrong at the same time.
The dying top leaves (crown) is caused by having water standing in the crown. Phals are very sensitive for this and that is why they grow in the wild mostly upside down or horizontal.
I had a couple of given phals who recovered from this so... Just gently cut the brown leaves and let nature do the rest. They can overcome this but it will take some time.
Second, your humidity and temp are way off and you can see that on your leaf colouration.
Try to step up the surrounding humidity ( no water in the crown!

) Orchids enjoy beeing somehwat clustered with each other so the surrounding humidity is somewhat higher.
A saucer with water besides the pot would be a great addition, or even better, a wet sponge.
Don't use peroxide again and especially not when you were cutting the leaves with the fresh wounds...
This is a bad case, but whatever you do, DON'T throw it away. If it will bloom again in the future all things were worth it