Orchid Whisperer, if you don't dispute that, where I live...
1. GP grows all year
2. nodosa grows half the year
... then you're agreeing that GP has a wider range of growing temperatures than nodosa does.
This difference in growing temperatures isn't a "minor" detail. It's a pretty major detail. And the word "eurythermal" doesn't convey this pretty major detail. Therefore... there's a need for a word that does convey this major detail. So I took it upon myself to invent one!
But I really don't claim to be the best wordsmith in the world. So I really welcome anybody and everybody to make up a word and throw it in the ring. I'm all about survival of the fittest word.
What I care about here is that we all really wrap our minds around the concept of some orchids having a wider range of growing temperatures than other orchids. It's an important concept.
Should we settle for orchids that merely tolerate our range of temperatures? No way! We should all demand orchids that thrive in our range of temperatures. But it's not the easiest thing to demand, or even to discuss, something that doesn't have a name.