I don't want to lump all breeders in one bucket as there are a range with different motives. Breeding for commercial production is a prime example. Species breeders have it fairly straight-forward as most species are 2N. However this is not a 100% given as ploidy can be chemically changed in flask using colchicine for example. Yep - people want to improve on the original species ! Thankfully chemical/colchicine use is not widespread.
Ploidy can be counted and its done using a new root section. Its time-consuming and thus costly and hardly anyone does it !
Here is a phal database, though not updated for a while:
Confirmed Ploidy Database | ORCHID VAULT
I haven't come across any other database.
The basic premise of hybridising is to produce something better than the parents, for example colour, number of blooms, size of plant etc. OrchidWiz is a useful programme to have as it enables you to see what has been produced in the past. You are then able to research potential parents and see if the parents have any registered progeny. Registered progeny = good breeder.
I am sure there are thousands of 'curiosity' breeders as there are a lot of orchid registrations that are one-offs. There are equally as many hybrids that no-one has ever heard of because they have not been placed into commercial production.