OK, here are the pics:

L to R:
Neobenthamia gracillus [fragrant, monotypic]
This one had a tassel of flowers on the top end, the reason I chose it. They were all stripped off carrying it around the greenhouse for 6 hours. Plus, the stem got broken.
Den.loddigessii [fragrant]
It looks like a small hay stack. I've had one of these before and wanted another.
Dendrochilum wentzellii [fragrant]
Smaller than the D. magnum, but will have red flowers.
Dendrobium agraggatum [lindleyi] [fragrant]
I've had one of these before.
I was looking for a new one.
Got it!
Dendrobion Yuki Daruma King [2x] [fragrant]
A Yamamoto hybrid.
Another that I've had before, and wanted another.
An opaque white flower, almost like looking into high butterfat Jersey or Gurnsey milk, with a dark almost black purple throat, also has a great fragrance.
Now across the line from R to L [yeah, I know, backwards, for a reason]
The 2 Rhynchostylis gigantia's [fragrant]
One named 'Rad Spots", the other designated Red X Alba.
I assume 'Red Spots' is the standard coloring, red spots and blotches on white. Red X Alba remains to be seen how it turns out.
Maxilaria tenuifolia [fragrant]
The coconut flower. It smells like coconut.
Then, Bulbophyllum lobbii Kathy's Gold [fragrant]
I've never kept Bulbo's before. I consider them to be "Strange"! But I've seen photos of this Bulbo and decided to try it. Although, I'm a bit worried about the fragrance. If I remember correctly, the term "Rotten Meat" is applied to some Bulbo fragrances. We'll see.
Brassovola 'Little Stars'. [fragrant]
I've had a B. nodosa before and am looking for another.
This will do in the mean time. It, like B.nodosa, is also night fragrant.
Den. farmerii X Den. Mousmee [D. furcatum X D. thyrsiflorum] [fragrant?]
D. farmerii and D. thyrsiflorum are from section Densiflora while D. fumcatum is a Calcarifera. D.'s farmerii and fulcatum are not fragrant while thyrsiflorum is. Not likely, but it could be fragrant.
Up high on the line is a cork mount:
Bulbophyllum grandiflora Keith's Gift. [fragrant]
This is a "Pig in a poke". I had no idea of what it was other than being a Bulbo. After looking it up on IOSPE, I'm not impressed with the flower, although it is up to 7" in size. It comes under the category "Strange". Uh, Oh! I just noticed that it's fragrance is described as being "foul smelling"! This one might not make the cut.
But, it has a hitchhiker that grew onto it from an adjacent mount:
Epidendrum porpax [fragrant]
I've had one these before. But, I'll swear it was named Dendrobium porpax. I never did get it to bloom. Maybe I can do it here.
Bulbophyllum dearei [fragrant]
Another "Pig in a poke". I may have done better with this one, though, a flower similar in shape to B lobbii and described as "slightly fragrant" not "foul smelling". There may be hope for this one.
And, finally:
Ornithophora radicans [fragrant, monotypic]
I was wrong. It is O.
This is why I picked it:

See all the little buds and flowers? The flowers had not opened up very much yesterday and were very small white specks.

Now, they have, and are between 1/8th and 1/4" in size.
Here is the reason for the name:

The bird's head in the center of the flower. Plus, they are very lightly scented. Possibly lightly because of their size and newly opened. We'll see with time.
I'm very pleased with all but one, the skunk.
They're all well developed plants, not a seedling amongst them , although they are a bit stressed from not being well taken care of lately.
And, only $100.
Being a cheapskate, so tight I squeak, the deal may be the best part of it.