Went to the Maku'u Farmer's market today to buy Papayas, avocados, bananas and pineapple for next week's eats.
I hadn't made an orchid or related purchase in several weeks.
I thought I was cured,until I saw the tillandsias.
They were such a pretty color.
I asked the pusher how much?
She said $3 each, but she'd give me 4 for $10.
I began to sweat and shake.
I handed her the $10 and picked 4 out.
Then, I went over to speak with my usual orchid pusher and talked with him for a bit.
I was able to resist all his offerings.
But, he told me of a wholesale greenhouse that was doing some retail sales to people this weekend.
I stopped by to take a look.
I was overwhelmed.
I spent 2 hours rummaging through 10 greenhouses.
I could not take everything I wanted.
But I did grab this Dendrochilum magnum
It has a very strong fragrance.
It is nice and very familiar, but I can't describe it.
Then, I grabbed this Dendrobium spatulata section NoID.
I think it's a Den. antennatum, but who knows?
Many of these D. antennatums had seed pods many of which had split open.
The areas was covered with their yellowish seeds like thick cobwebs all over everything.
The one I chose also had 1 seed pod yet to open.
$10 for the Dendrchilum, and $5 for the Dendrobium.
He says he'll be open again next weekend.
I'm going back then and I'll be ready to haul out some real jewels.