Originally Posted by cupcake
Does anyone grow this? It's being offered as bulbs?/ corms by a well known seed company over her. Called the Japanese Egret orchid apparently. Thanks.
This is from a forum on gardenweb.com: Re Habenaria radiata:
Posted by plantfreak z9aKyushuJapan (My Page) on
Sat, Jul 9, 05 at 10:00
Here's how I do it. Plant the tubers when the weather gets warm (around April). They should only planted maybe 1" deep. The mix should be half clean quartz sand with NO lime and the other half sphagnum peat. Choose a fairly large container relative to the tiny bulbs. Yes, they like lots of moisture in summer, even to the point of being wet, but don't overdo it. Refrain from using straight tap water with chlorine on these. They also like to be in the sun and warm while in growth. They should flower around mid-summer (mine haven't spiked yet). In the fall when the leaves die down remove them from the growing container. Clean the little bulbs carefully and completely. Do not attempt to save the roots, they only last one season. Dry the bulbs only to the touch, not actually dry. Place them with sightly damp vermiculite in a good freezer bag and put them in the frig (NOT the freezer!) for the winter. It is important to use good quality freezer bags that are completely sealed. Check them from time to time to see they aren't drying out. In spring repeat the cycle. In time you can even get them to increase in size and number. PF