The lesions on your leaves look like a fungus to me but I also think I'd take it out of the rain and water it in a more "controlled" consistent fashion. It needs bright light but when it's raining and overcast, I'd be careful about the watering, especially if it's already moist.
Try a systemic fungicide such as Thiomyl. Dunk it for about 15 minutes and then repeat in a week to 10 days. Continue giving it bright light but not direct sun. (Cattleya light) It should be okay. That may be an old lead but I'd be interested in not spreading the fungus.
Reconsider mounting it on a Pygmy Date unless you are available to water it every day. While we do have a rainly season in Florida....we also have our dry seasons which won't work for a bulbophyllum. They are very thirsty and like moist conditions.
Good luck with it!