Kindrag23. No kidding about the storm we just went through. I ordered the same orchid from Seattle Orchid. This orchid is from a semi arid part of Australia, so perfect for us. We have the crazy up and down humidity. I love Seattle Orchid and often order from them. With this orchid check the roots. Seattle is rainy and cloudy, this orchid likes it dryer, hot, and sunny, so my roots needed a trim and repot when I got it.
From Mid October I started to not water it. Has an extreme rest or else it will die and rot. Seattle Orchid mentions this. The large bulbs and occasional mist of the roots is enough to tide it through winter.
I have mine potted in lava and 100% natural hard wood BBQ charcoal and it seemed to like that a lot. Today we got some sun and a little more warmth, so I went in to mist it and it is getting a new growth looking great. I will keep up with the mist only until it starts to feel like spring and it is growing really well.
Hope this helps. In summer I have it outside under the sun with a shade cloth between it and the sun. Sun is a killer here. Water was as needed