Hi everyone. kevinator here with a new update on my collection. Yesterday I went to Norman's Orchids and bought two new plants: Anguloa clowesii and Coryanthes macrantha.
The collection as of today.
Coryanthes macrantha with one flower spike. I hope it survives.
Anguloa clowesii. Is this one deciduous?
A cory. bud i saw at the greenhouse. It was about as big as a fist.
Stanhopea tricornis is now in bud! Its been one long year and it finally decided to bloom!
Also, if you look at the top left corner of the hanging rack, you will see that my Cory. vasquezii is declining in health. I'm not so sure what caused this but I hope it doesn't die. It was growing when suddenly the two new growths shriveled and the only pair of leaves it had dropped off. Temps are about 71-78 degrees (F) and I mist with RO water about 4 times per day. Its in sphag and I'm watering it every other day with RO. Its fert regime is 1/4 of the recommended strength every week. Week by week the P-bulbs shrivel up one by one....Thank you for any advice beforehand.