Hmm... All my Phals are quite happy with their mommy this year, while my Paphs are busy with other things I think.
The Phals that are spiking:
Princess Kaiulani 'Miki' (it's its third attempt at flowering since I bought it last year, I hope it'll make it this time).
Wiganiae (second flowering for this year)
Ambotris (second flowering for this year)
The Mutant (my peloric NoID, second flowering for this year)
Tzu Chiang Orange (still flowering from previous two spikes)
Queen Beer 'Tiny Doll' (recently repotted and I cut the two spikes it had, so it could focus on establish itself in its new, gigantic pot. It immediately put out a new spike and a new leaf...)
Miniature NoID that looks like Jiaho's Pink Girl (second flowering)
Celebensis (discovered the spike just a minute ago)
Bernice Maskin (I think the spike has stalled though)
Sogo Vivien 'Golden Vivien'
This means, that out of 26 Phals, there's only three that are not flowering or being in spike... Wow, getting rid of those reluctant bloomers, seems to have paid off.
When it comes to my 48 Paphs though, things look really different. Here's what's in spike at the moment:
Paph. Something Unknown... I bought it as a henryanum, but it looks like it might be a villsoum, or a villosum hybrid. We'll se when the bud opens.
might have two others in sheath, but it's too early to tell, and they've been quite busy fooling me this summer...
One of my two Phrags is spiking too, which makes me very happy.