who else cant stand ugly plants?
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Old 08-29-2013, 06:10 PM
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who else cant stand ugly plants?

It is a redskin peach, a very popular variety. Freestone, blooms later than others, and the peaches can be used for anything. We grow our own as the peaches are best picked when ripe.
I agree about plants being living things and shouldn't just be tossed out (unless a lab confirms virus-it isn't fair to harm other plants). I always search for homes for my plants. It amazes me that others do not.
I confess, too, that I was very desperate for space when I rehomed the oncidiums and now I have mini oncidiums...with speckled leaves. If I have the room, I don't give plants away. Still, I would prefer the leaves to look perfect!
Old 08-29-2013, 06:39 PM
Orchidgirl83 Orchidgirl83 is offline
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who else cant stand ugly plants? Female

I certainly would not throw a perfectly healthy plant away either. I would try to find someone who would want it.
Old 08-29-2013, 08:29 PM
Phalchid Phalchid is offline
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who else cant stand ugly plants?

I really wish I lived close to your home, then I could take in every ugly plant you wished to toss out ☺I never have the heart to throw any of them out, even ones that have shriveled leaves from under watering.
Old 08-30-2013, 10:49 PM
pipsxlch pipsxlch is offline
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who else cant stand ugly plants?

I don't know, I certainly couldn't take home any beauty prizes myself so who am I to judge?

Plus my favorite spatulata dens are NOT attractive plants lol.

Guess I just hate to destroy living things lol. I'm sure there are less well-off fanciers or even a school greenhouse that would love what we reject. Of course, I don't mean to spread virused plants. I've had some lovely plants that started as dumpster rejects.
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Old 08-31-2013, 09:34 AM
katrina katrina is offline
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who else cant stand ugly plants? Female

I put too much time, effort and money into this hobby and given my spacial constraints at this time...the plant must earn it's spot on one of the shelves. Why bother w/something that isn't pleasing to the eye?

If a plant gets ugly under my care then that means I am not growing it well. Why grow something unless you can grow it well? For example...I love Zygos and I can grow and bloom them like crazy but the leaves get spotty...it's just the way it is given my conditions...so I gave up trying to grow them.

I'll stick w/orchids that appreciate the conditions I can provide rather than get frustrated over something I can't change.

So...come on people...these are plants...they are not puppies and kittens. Yes, they are living things,..but so was that corn you had for dinner last night and that chicken you had the other day and you didn't have any problem ending their existence, did you? What about that mealybug you sprayed or the scale you eradicated? Those are living things too. I think we should put things into perspective and try not to get so worked up over throwing out plants.

For those saying you can't (for whatever reason) throw out an ugly plant...I suspect you only have a few plants. Am I right? When your house or g/h begins to burst at the seams from all the plants...then talk to me about how you feel about pitching plants. XD

BTW -- if any one of you live in the Columbus area...I will happily load you up w/some "unwanteds" that won't be coming back in the house this Fall. It's been a rough summer for some, a couple I just don't care for now that I've seen the blooms and a couple that I just find boring.

Last edited by katrina; 08-31-2013 at 09:39 AM..
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Old 08-31-2013, 10:38 AM
desertanimal desertanimal is offline
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who else cant stand ugly plants?

What do you do when leaves on backbulbs start to fade? Do you just cut them as soon as they start to look bad?
Old 08-31-2013, 10:51 AM
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who else cant stand ugly plants?

Thanks, Katrina! I felt like a plant abuser! I was feeling guilty for digging up my potatoes and garlic. Poor things...you know what fate they will have! And then there are the weeds....
I collected cacti when I was a kid and had quite a collection by the time I was a young adult. Then my toddler, despite the barriers around the cacti, fell into them...twice (!). After the second time (and after pulling out all the spines), I carried every pot of cacti outside and left them to die in the snow. Cruel? I don't think so.
The orchids are actually in pretty good condition and heading off to the OS meeting. They will find homes.
This is why you should join an OS.

---------- Post added at 09:51 AM ---------- Previous post was at 09:47 AM ----------

I never remove leaves if they are useful to a plant unless there is an infection.
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Old 08-31-2013, 11:18 AM
kindrag23 kindrag23 is offline
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who else cant stand ugly plants? Female

@ katrina would you be willing to ship if we sent you the money?
Old 08-31-2013, 01:06 PM
HighSeas HighSeas is offline
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I hear you Squirrel. I have a psycho cat appropriately named Sybil who likes to CHEW on my orchids and I just want to take her little fuzzy ass to the POUND! But I don't.

What my plants look like matters to me as well. I clean the leaves with citric acid and take great measures to keep them "photographic" grade. BUT...not all of them are and I still love them anyway. I tell them that they are Ugly Ducklings who will one day (probably after I'm DEAD ) be beautiful again. I don't have the heart to trash them...or the cat. Until then, I'll just fanaticize about all the ways I can get revenge on her! (Like take away her catnip mouse)
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Old 08-31-2013, 07:28 PM
fotofashion fotofashion is offline
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who else cant stand ugly plants? Female
Default who else cant stand ugly plants?

I am just perverse enough to add this: If "ugly" plants are unwelcome at the OS meetings, what about "ugly" people. Should we just stay at home because we aren't beautiful?
Really, why the fuss about the supposedly "ugly" plants. Isn't beauty in the mind of the beholder?
Sorry if I am being nasty but this discussion is getting on my nerves.
Beverly A.
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