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12-09-2013, 12:37 AM
Join Date: Jul 2013
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Location: NYC
Posts: 36
my exotic row
ludisia discolor alba
ludisia discolor
goodyera schlec.
dossinia marm. x ludisia discolor alba
macodes petola (icu)
dossinia marmorata (icu)

12-09-2013, 01:53 AM
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Originally Posted by Daethen
No, I haven't posted there. I will try to soon. I am using electric heat. I also had some 4 x 8 sheets of tempered glass that I framed and double walled the roof, sides and rear with. I still have to double wall the entrance, but so far so good. I have a thermometer that records highest and lowest temps and it never goes below 55-60 at night and can get up to 100 during the day if the sun is out.
Very nice! I'd love to see what you have so far. when you have a chance post some pictures in the greenhouse subforum

12-17-2013, 05:35 PM
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Well as luck would have it, I stumbled upon a beautiful large healthy M. regina. It's in spike, but probably won't hold them after shipment. I am so excited about this plant!
And that is the end of the buying for me.... this year.... 
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12-19-2013, 01:35 AM
Join Date: May 2010
Posts: 38
Dendrobium Aggregatum (in a bag at Lowes)
The D. Aggregatum is nice I have one from Lowes as well and it is a strong grower, doubled in size in ten months!
Originally Posted by HighSeas
Oooooh gosh.  It's my turn. My name is Janet and I am an orchid-holic.  I keep saying NO MORE too....but the voices in my head say, "DO IT"!  I need help.
I've fallen off the wagon so many times that. Actually...I'm not sure I EVER made it ON the wagon.
Here are the recents:
Bulb. Medussae
Bulb. Worayuth White Fang
Grammatophyllum Citrinum.....uh....x2 
Dendrobium Aggregatum (in a bag at Lowes)
Oncidium Splendidum x Cavendishiannum
Pot. Buranas Beauty
I'm SO ashamed.    
---------- Post added at 01:35 AM ---------- Previous post was at 01:08 AM ----------
Maybe a Peristeria alata? Aka. The Dove Orchid? National flower of Panama. Almost extinct in the wild.
Originally Posted by kindrag23
@whiterabbit I have been battling buying a....o geez of course the name escapes me...looks like a tulip w a dove in growing....
---------- Post added at 06:29 PM ---------- Previous post was at 06:27 PM ----------
Gah!! Why do yalls all have awesome plants mine don t have squat! Anywhere I go....

12-19-2013, 02:13 AM
Join Date: May 2013
Posts: 50
Here's from this week:
Vanda (Neofinetia) falcata shoyo x3
Potinara Haw Yuan Gold 'yung kang #2' FCC/AOS

12-19-2013, 08:22 AM
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What have I bought recently? The short answer is "too much."
Long answer is more interesting:
From Andy's Orchids: Den. kingianum, parishii, loddigesi, canaliculatum, Angraecum didieri, Haraella ordorata, Maxillaria hennisiana (shephardii), and Onc. fuscatum (or Milt. warscewiczii)....
From Larry's Orchids and Tropicals: Phalaenopsis equestris (3 of them, but I'm only keeping one, really), and Slc. Samba Princess 'Pretty in Pink' (and some non-orchid tropicals).
I have a few more on order that should arrive this week....
BTW, this doesn't count the plants I won at the orcihd club Christmas dinner a couple of weeks ago....
I'm trying to be good until February when I can attend the Miami Valley Orchid Society show (Feb 15-16 for those who are interested), but with a noticeable lack of success....

12-19-2013, 08:36 PM
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Come on admit it....what have you bought recently
I have a couple of plants coming from Seattle Orchids:
Koellensteinia Ionoptera
Cattleya dowiana v Rosita
Today I visited Clown Alley to take advantage of their 20% off sale:
Dendrobium goldshchmidtanum (in bloom)
Laelia purpurata v schusteriana
Dend. wassillii
(An odd hybrid originally from a local grower and member of HOS)
Slc. Jeweler's Art x C. Gail Gerter
I can find pics of the Slc. but the search engine always asks if I am looking for C. Gail Porter but then does not come up with anything useful.
I have my eye on a couple others on eBay. I need to make up my mind soon.
Beverly A.

12-20-2013, 06:11 PM
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Woooo. Still going strong I see lol I'm amazed at everones collections, and happy to see all the new additions  I should update mine as well lol

12-22-2013, 12:16 AM
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ok new guys to my collection :
Rarest first :
Protheschea vitellina (yellow form), no orange, it is all YELLOW. (no flowers, got a division)
Rhynchostele cordata (alba form)
rhynchostele cordata (yellow form)
epidendrum Marmoratum
rhynchostele cervantesii (no idea if this is alba or just a variation of color)
rhynchostele cervantesii (very dark form)
epidendrum eximiun (in bud)

12-22-2013, 07:58 AM
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Here are two plants that I bought recently. One is an Oncidium and the other is a Neofinetia falcata.
The Oncidium, I bought for its unusual variegated leaves.
I did not "need" to buy this Neofinetia, but it was just sitting there asking to go home and I couldn't resist. Non-orchid friends just shake their heads....

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