I was at the Carter and Holmes Open House yesterday, and walked away with a Miltonia moreliana division, a Brassolaeliocattleya Waianae King 'Orchidheights' AM/AOS x 'Kosaki', and a retard. Well, to be specific, a Paphiopedilum delenatii with a deformed flower blooming 6 months out of season. When I brought it to their attention, they said that they would usually just compost it to avoid spending time and money just to find out whether or not it's a genetic abnormality, so I also got it for free. I already have a "normal" delenatii, so this if more or less for curiosity's sake.
Last edited by Ghosthunt64; 08-25-2013 at 10:33 AM..
Well I'm no longer a virgin (oh goodness to much information ) I just received on Fri my very first mail order. So very exiting, my list is probably boring for allot of you but I need things easier to grow.
Slc. Jewel Box 'Orange'
Pot. Afternoon Delight
Catt Jose Marti 'Mother's Favorite
Paph villosum a baby but well it was only $5.00
I have the C. Jose Marti 'Mother's Favorite'. It is one of the first orchids I ordered online. It was a seedling and nearly died during my outbreak of black rot but has recovered nicely even if a couple of years were added until it will bloom. The flowers should be spectacular (and at least something will give me flowers for Mother's Day).
---------- Post added at 11:12 AM ---------- Previous post was at 11:10 AM ----------
I understand...that is what I tend to do with plants/orchids I love. I have four angraecum didieri.
Well this Jose Marti that I got is huge it's in a 8.5" pot and trying to come out of it. It has 2 sheaths but I am thinking they may drop, I hope not but I won't hold my breath. I only paid $20.00 for it and it was suppose to come out of pot but it is in a pot lucky me. I think that is a pretty good deal for a plant this nice.