I cant read any bad advice given. I can add that the most important thing I have recently discovered is being consistent with your culture. They need to settle down and be comfortable and moving around so much could very well have affected the internal clocks.
I have some older catts BIG ones that were actually not frustrating me but ticking me off that the sheaths were not budding. They had been moved several times and in all kinds of odd settings. Now that they have settled down in the heat and 70% shade morning till night for 3 months now almost all them old non bloomers are sheathed up. Ones that had bloomed this year are sheathing up again for round 2. I moved them outside from being in a cold dark garage for roughly 2 months.
Just keep it simple and easy for yourself. KISS..Keep it simple and stupid works for me
I Water them when they are dry.
I mist the leaves lightly a few times a day with the heat.
I Fertilize weakly weekly with peters cal mag.
I have them under 70% shade cloth.
I have lots of frogs and lizards combined with lady bugs and mantis's for pest control. I did treat the orchids initially with Orthene Fire Ant killer when I moved them into my hothouse. 1 tbsp per gallon used as a foliar spray.
I leave them in the pots they came in and NOT be in any hurry to re-pot them. Unless they really need it I leave them alone.
Dont get so tekky with them bec whats wrong is basically simple consistent culture.
Keep me in mind in the winter and next spring to see if My Simple and Stupid worked when it comes time for all of us to start posting fall and winter bloomers. And good luck you will be okey