I've never used it with every watering of the healthy ones but I have used KLN for the sick ones....knock on wood; I don't have many of those. But since you only use about a tsp/gal even soaking one down in a bucket, isn't much. I also use it for soaking my LECA after I've completed the ionic exchange and rinsed really well. I also use it when I soak coconut chips. So it DOES get used. The issue is the short shelf life. Since I have a quart of it, I do keep it in the fridge.
Carol, I also use seaweed, especially after seeing YOUR beautiful Paphs! I have a Stag Horn fern that I've had hanging for close to 15 years now....it's HUGE. I gave it some Seaweed and couldn't believe how it was affected in only 2 weeks! But I switch around a bit...seaweed, KLN, Superthrive, Lime, MgSo4....plus the fertilizers. I'll probably drop the SuperThrive though...since the KLN is the same thing minus one ingredient.
I found my answer. Dyna-Grow says you can't freeze it as it turns dosing into guess work.
Does anyone use KLN on stuff you can actually ingest? Like herbs? I grow a lot of peppers and herbs so I could use it there. I see nothing on the label of the quart bottle that says you can't give it to edible plants but I could have sworn that the smaller bottle does say that.
Does anyone have the little bottle?