There's no contest!!! The cat will win every time!!!
I have a sign on my greenhouse door, "No Cats Allowed"!!! They knock over my plants, pee in the gravel and all sorts of destructive activities. and I am a cat lover)
However, they either can't read or refuse to follow the rules.
Yesterday I worked in the greenhouse for several hours. I didn't see any cats. But they are sneaky at times and slip in when I open the door and immediately disappear behind a phalaenopsis leaf.
Last night was the coldest of the season so far for us here in the Ozarks. I just had an iggly feeling.

Before leaving for work I took the spotlight and went to check the greenhouse.
Everything looked normal. As I went out the door (checking for cats) I felt the stove. COLD AS A STONE!!!!
I ran got my husband who wasn't too happy about having to get out with wet hair. (just out of the shower) He piddled around with the stove while I fanned in fear of a puff of propane getting loose in the GH.
The pilot light had mysteriously gone out! OMG!! On what was suppose to be the coldest night!!!!
He re-lit it and within seconds the cause of it going out was abundantly clear!!!! The ODOR!!!!

Gag me with a spoon does not even begin to cover it.
I can see that the last quarter of 2007 isn't going to be kind to me or my orchids. Maybe the planets are misaligned or maybe I need stronger BP meds.
Whatever the reason, I'm on high alert. The impossible can and will happen. I mean, whoever heard of an invisible cat p*ssing the pilot light out?