Hey guys, it's nearly freezing now and my vandas had a good summer. It was tough with one of them losing some leaves.. but they they seem happy! the roots look nice and the new leaves are getting longer. Also a stubborn phal finally decided to send out a spike!
Brought my Dendrobiums (mostly speciosum and x delicatum) in in the first week of November and put them on a non heated attick at the windowpane, which I kind of isolated by means of a piece of oncoloured plastic, I hope they wom't get to cold there. I reduce watering, only once a weak, I hope tht will do
I am not familiar with your area, but if you are bringing the dendrobium in to a place where they will have their rest, then it sounds good to me. I have brought mine in to the coolest window, but I wish I had windows in the attic.