I had definate water retention issues with chc but that was due to my climate. As far as holding onto salt precipitates I didn't use it long enough at any one time. I tried it a few times but for me it was unsatisfactory but as others have said it works for them. But as for lava rock holding onto those same salt precipitates I would differ. I used lava rock for decades when I grew bonsai and in Japan different grades and types are used and with everything I read and experienced I never had any issues with lava rock. I used it on my azaleas, camelias, pines, junipers, ect all very sensitive to salts and it's buildup. Kanuma is a very porous type lava cinder and one of the best. Very expensive. It is used in Japan as soil in bonsai culture and used to pot 500+ year old pines and fir trees. If there were a problem with salt precipitates I would venture to say this lava cinder would definately not be used. I have used it in my orchids ever since starting to grow orchids. Never an issue.