Your thoughts on coconut husk chips vs bark?
Up to now, I've been a bark man. I suck with spagh moss, and although I am improving, I tend to rot orchids I get in it after a few months no matter how scientific I try to be with my watering schedule ( and I AM a scientist!!). So up to now when I get a new orchid acquisition and it's in moss, first thing I do is repot it into bark.
I recently got some orchid specimens that require constant moisture and coconut husk chips were recommended. I looked them up and there is quite a bit of talk about their being a great replacement for orchid bark chips that have generally degraded in quality. Not being able to get them locally, I mail-ordered a 25lb bag for, like $20....and now have coconut chips to last me for 10 years!!! (They came dry and vacuum packed and when you add water they blow up to 10x the volume).
Anyone has experience with them for general orchid growing?