I have a Promenaea with 2 old pseudobulbs that are doing great, but the new ones keep rotting off before then can mature. Anyone solve this problem? I have it in sphagnum, and wonder if maybe it should be in bark instead.
I don't know much about them but have one that hasn't bloomed yet. OrchidWiz says common media is fir bark and maybe perlite added. Mine was in older bark and looked happier quite soon after I moved it to new bark. So it might help to get rid of the sphagnum. I think they like to stay a bit moist tho.
I had a problem growing Promeneas. I lost my 2 plants. Then I saw perfectly grown near blooming size seedlings at a grower/vendor. I asked and he replied that his plants get even moist conditions. Then they stay healthy. If they dry out too much between watering they become susceptible to rot. Hope this can help you. But I haven' experienced Promeneas again.