I don't think I wanna go with dendrobium... thus far it seems to be evolving into a low light multi mount...
Because I like to over complicate things. Lol
Have you checked out the "Miniatures Show and Tell" section of the Board? There are tons of mini's there and often the culture is given.
Just a thought -
I actually browse through there quite often...
But I figured for my specific purposes it would be easier and more efficient to ask all of you...
And I was right... and not only did I get and answer but now I have toons of plants for future applications too!
I am going to leave these questions to others that currently mount more than I do. I am sure that others will have suppliers that may have better prices and they can instruct you better in removing a plant from a mount. I have done it, but was never happy with the results as I ended up really damaging the root system.
So - someone chime in and help this member out!!
Will still be monitoring the post as I want to see what others have to add to the thread!
Just of few of the key species I want seems to only come mounted...
Lol.. that interferes with my mount!