Some more neat info on paclobutrazol and phalaenopsis orchids
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Some more neat info on paclobutrazol and phalaenopsis orchids
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Old 12-21-2012, 05:53 AM
KultureShock KultureShock is offline
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Join Date: Nov 2012
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Default Some more neat info on paclobutrazol and phalaenopsis orchids

Hey everyone i just thought i would share some of the study's i found while researching paclobutrazol' effects on Phalaenopsis orchids. For those of you who don't want to read the entire studies i will post a brief description of what i found. Please note that i have only just begun to fully experiment with paclobutrazol myself so only the effect's i have indicated by making them bold and placing a* beside them have i tested and found to be true, but all of the effects listed i found studies confirming a couple of which i have attached to this thread for those curious.
Paclobutrazol is not a replacement for genuinely good loving care and you will not get nearly as impressive of results on a plant that is sick as you would on a plant in perfect health, BUT it can be the one thing your phalaenopsis needs to make the steady climb back to health in lots of cases In theory it would work with any number of orchids but i have not personally tested the dosages on other species so would not be comfortable saying that it would be safe to use 50ppm on a different species of orchid, so please just keep this in mind if you go to try this on a plant.
Paclobutrazol alone (at dose of 50ppm applied by a 5 minute basal dip, any higher will cause growth inhibiting effects instead of promoting.) endows treated plants with resistance to drought induced stress, over and under lighting as well as giving treated plants a strong resistance to fungal disease's

On top of the different resistances it gives a plant paclobutrazol also vastly increases the chances of rooting in situations where your plant is in need of intensive care,
increases the number of overall roots,
weight and size of plants that are healthy to begin with is increased significantly *,
prevents flower mutations caused by over application of Keiki paste if applied in unison with Keiki paste*(i am considering adding it as an ingredient in my Keiki paste but would like some of your opinions before i do or don`t , increases the number of leaves the plant grows in a year to an average of 4.7*
I have successfully used it to halt the progression of root rot and slowly restore green to roots that had yellowed.**(over the course of 3 months, treatment was also accompanied by a transplant into fresh medium)
Leaves of treated plants develop a dark green color and are able to photosynthesize more efficiently*(i am not positive that they are actually photosynthesizing more efficiently it's just what i have read but i can confirm the darker green leaves.)
At the 50 ppm dosage you will notice the new leaves that grow on the treated plant are slightly smaller then the old leaves but otherwise the plant`s growth is not stunted whatsoever and is infact increased with all the benefits mentioned above. If you raise the dose above 50ppm you will notice it takes progressively longer in a dose dependant manner to achieve flowering the year following application as well as the leaf size being significantly decreased. So if you decide to make your own paclobutrazol solution up please stick to 50PPM it has been tried and tested true by me and others and i have first hand experience of what happens if you go to high above 50ppm and while it probably wont kill your plant unless you go above 500ppm but it will stall its growth horribly trust me on this one lol. If you wanted to make your own paclobutrazol instead of going through me or someone else who has it pre-made, Caissonlabs sells 25 grams of paclobutrazol for 10$ that`s enough to last you a lifetime unless your a commercial grower and it might be more economical then purchasing from me for some people. Caisson labs is the company that i get all of my tissue culture supplies and have always been very reliable for me they even send out full sized samples of there plant hormones sometime`s so you could get 5 grams of 2 pure 98%+ hormone`s of your choice for free if your lucky just thought some of you might find that helpful i know i did!( i can`t guarantee this but they did it for me before i ever even made my first purchase and its christmas :P so i think it`s worth a shot just my ) Once again all of the effects mentioned above in bold with a * have been confirmed by me, and everything stated above has been confirmed by others.

If you have any questions please don`t hesitate to ask i would love to get some good conversation going on the topic any theories you might have or constructive criticism`s would be greatly appreciate, and i apologize for any grammar or spelling errors in the post.

Best regards,
Kevin Disher

Here is a multipart zip file with the PDF version`s of some of the studies i was reading. you might have to rename the file so it isn`t .zip it`s .001 or whatever the corresponding number for the file it i had to do it that way using 7zip but it might be different with winrar or winzip. Sorry it`s in this format it was the only way i could with the file size restrictions






Last edited by KultureShock; 12-21-2012 at 05:58 AM..
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50ppm, effects, leaves, paclobutrazol, plant, phalaenopsis, orchids, neat, info

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