Happy Holidays folks!
In response to my request for suppliers of 4N lines. Thanks again as always! I will definitely be browsing some online catalogs - Maybe time for New Years gifts? Hummmmmm.
As for my breed lines, I paid over $100.00 for one of my coccinea and have no problems with paying for a quality breed stock. I intend to breed the best orc's I can, and any investment now will make that easier down the road.
As far as breeding my coccinea together - I intend to breed them with anything that is not moving too fast! If I can hold the cat down, so be it. By the way, pics of my 1st 4N coccinea to bloom is posted in the Advanced Discussion area - bloomed out today. As you can read - the plant was a large disappointment in flower size and I have an email into the supplier. Love the color, but the bloom is no larger than a 2N. This was the more expensive of the two coccinea and again, not what I thought I would be receiving. The plant is VERY vigorous and seems to have adjusted to my North window with grow light very well; BUT the bloom again is 2N size. Here is a pic -

Pretty little Christmas flower, huh?
I love this particular little species of orc and want to see the 4N lines move into re-breeding some of the older successful crosses. Thus I need 4N stock of a variety. We all gotta have a hook I guess and this is mine.
Again - Happy Holidays everyone - Thanks again.
Peace and Joy!